Monday, July 10, 2017

5 Healthy Summer Hair Tips

Clayton Hair Salon summer hairSummer is the season that most people love because of the holidays on the beach, warm sunny days, and ice-cold lemonades. However, summer has its challenges that need to be addressed. Taking good care of your hair in one of them. Summer heat can damage your hair and even turn its color when in contact with the chlorine. Use these fantastic tips to protect your hair during the summer season.

Lock in Moisture

It’s never too late to begin a regime of deep moisturizing to protect the hair from the drying effect of the sun. There are loads of great products that can help keep your hair moisturized during the summer season. They can be used on a fortnightly or weekly basis to restore moisture levels on the hair back to normal.

Use Leave-In Conditioner

When relaxing by the pool or on the beach, try a leave-in conditioner or treatment that can be rinsed out at the end of the day. The conditioner protects the hair against the sun’s harmful rays and helps in retaining the moisture.

Safeguard Against Chlorine

Everybody loves cooling off in the pool, but there are pesky chemicals in the water that aren’t too gentle on the hair. Harsh chemicals can damage hair. Shield your hair from chemicals such as chlorine by preparing the hair before taking a swim. Rinsing your hair before swimming with tap water or apple cider vinegar will help reduce the effects of chlorine and avoid that greenish color.

Avoid Tangles in the Wind

Wind damages the hair by causing split ends and breakage. Summer is a season to meandering along a windswept beach, sailing, and windsurfing. During these activities tie the hair into a sleek ponytail or use a scarf if the hair is short. The scarf or ponytail prevents split ends and breakage.

Reduce Heat

A fabulous, wide brimmed hat is always a great way to protect your hair from heat when spending a long day in the sun. Consider also applying a deep conditioner that contains SPF protection. A hat and deep conditioner are great investments when it comes to protecting the hair from the summer heat.

With exposure to the sun, water, and wind, summer can be tough on your hair. So start taking care of your hair using these tips.

For all your summer hair needs contact Clayton Hair Salon at 919-795-6742.

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